Dosage and mode of administration
The drug is dissolved in drinking water. For cows, medicines are mixed and dissolved into fresh milk, milk substitutes, or drinking water. · Cow : 50 - 100 mg Widecillin® Fine Granules 10% / kg body weight / day. · Poultry : 100 - 100 mg Widecillin® Fine Granules 10% / kg body weight / day. · Cow : 50 - 100 mg Widecillin® Fine Granules 10% / kg body weight / day. Given for 3-5 days. Caution: 1. Continuous use should not exceed one week. 2. Medicine is only for animals Drug stop time: Cattle: 10 days Poultry: 5 days Pig: 5 days How to Storage: Once worn back tightly and keep it in room temperature.